107學年度共同英文專業成長社群—Level Nine
1.分享創新教學設計與課堂新科技之運用,提升教學效果。To share innovation in instruction design and application of new technology to improve teaching effects
2.討論教材設計,協助製作平面或網路補充教材。To discuss teaching materials design and assist in producing print or online supplementary materials 3.展示學生成果、經驗分享、與檢討。To exhibit students’ works (e.g. term projects), share teaching experience, and review for project improvement 4.討論如何結合多元文化英語應用以實踐大學社會責任、提升國際行動力。To discuss realization of USR and enhancement of global mobility under a multi-cultural theme with English language application