親愛的同學,您好, 本中心將於2016年10月1日(星期六)上午8時40分至12時假文園二樓會議室舉辦「教學助理培訓」研習,歡迎學生踴躍報名參加。 已取得本中心98-1~104-2學期教學助理研習證書之學生可免參加(註:不包含僅取得教師專業發展歷程網TA研習證書之學生)。 本研習活動係新任教學助理之必要培訓課程,若報名後因故不克參加,需於9月27日(星期二)下午四點前完成請假簽核程序, 經本中心認可後,方可取得網路學園補訓資格(假單下載),網路學園補訓資訊另行email通知。 ◎報名時間:自即日起至2016年9月29日(星期四)止。 ◎參加人數上限230人; 超過上限之報名學生將列入網路學園補訓名單,補訓資訊另行mail通知。 ◎研習時間:2016年10月1日(星期六) 上午8:40~中午12:00。 ◎研習地點:文園二樓會議室。
Dear student, The Training Workshop for Teaching Assistants will be held on Oct. 1, 2016 from 8:40 AM to 12:00 PM, at Wenyuan Lecture Hall. The training workshop is mandatory for those students who want to be teaching assistants but have no certificates of teaching assistant. If you cannot attend the training workshop after signing up, please download and fill in the leave application to get a second chance by 4:00 PM, Sep. 27, 2016. The information for next training workshop will be sent by email. ◎Registration: by Sep. 29, 2016 ◎The maximum of attendants allowable for Wenyuan Lecture Hall is 230 and those students who signed up after No. 230 will get a second chance and be informed by email. ◎Time:08:40AM~12:00PM, Oct. 1, 2016 ◎Location: Wenyuan Lecture Hall