親愛的同學,您好, 本中心將於2017年9月23日(星期六)上午8時40分至12時假文園二樓會議室舉辦「教學助理培訓」研習,歡迎學生踴躍報名參加。 1.參加對象:本校有意擔任教學助理但尚未取得教學助理培訓研習會研習證明或僅取得教師專業發展歷程網TA研習會證書之學生。
4.報名:請於2017年9月20日(星期三)前至http://ma.wzu.edu.tw/files/304-1000-2947,c2644.php 報名(註:文園二樓會議室座位有限,參加人數上限230人,超過上限之報名學生將列入雲端學園補訓名單,補訓資訊另行以電子郵件通知)。
5.連絡人:教師發展中心 郭婷菀老師,分機2915;E-mail: 99368@mail.wzu.edu.tw。
教師發展中心 敬上
Dear students,
The Training Workshop for Teaching Assistants (TAs) will be held on Sep. 23, 2017 from 8:40 AM to 12:00 PM at the Wenyuan Lecture Hall.
1. Target Audience: Wenzao students who intend to work as TAs but do not have the TA certificates or only hold certificates of Teacher E-Portfolio TA.
This training workshop is mandatory for the said target audience. If you are a member of the target audience and cannot attend the workshop after enrollment, please download and submit your leave application by 4:00 PM, Sep. 20, 2017 to receive training online. The information of the online training will be sent by email.
2. Program:
3. Instructional Language: Chinese
4. Enrollment: Please enroll at http://ma.wzu.edu.tw/files/304-1000-2947,c2644.php by Sep. 20, 2017. (The Wenyuan Lecture Hall seats no more than 230 people, and those students who are not among the first 230 enrollments will be assigned to receive online training and be notified by email.)
5. Contact: Ms. Ting-wan Kuo (Tina), phone extension 2915, 99368@mail.wzu.edu.tw.
6. Please bring your own water cup to support Wenzao’s environmental protection policy.
7. The air-conditioned temperature of the venue may not meet the expectation of all attendees. Please bring your own jacket for comfort as needed.
Center for Faculty Development