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國際化教學精進工作坊 "Mapping an International Curriculum Workshop"
As institutions become increasingly international, both in terms of student population and outlook, there is a need to respond accordingly. This session will explore how a curriculum can be developed that is both international in structure but also fit or purpose within context.
活動時間 : 2014-12-02 15:00~2014-12-02 17:00
公告單位 : 英國語文系 主辦
國際暨兩岸合作處 協辦及贊助
活動內容 : 英國講師: Dr. Christopher Hill (Director, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus)
講師簡介: (請點選以下連結or 夾帶附件)
授課型式: 知識交流工作坊,由英國頂尖大學教務專家分享其國際教學實務經驗及交流教學範例,針對授課技巧提供支援,工作坊全程以英文進行。

Dr. Christopher Hill (Director, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus)
Instructor’s Profile:(Please click the link below or see the attachment)
This session will focus on syllabus design and provide participants with an opportunity to discuss and explore mechanisms for developing learning outcomes and aligning expectations with assessment methods. As institutions become increasingly international, both in terms of student population and outlook, there is a need to respond accordingly. This session will explore how a curriculum can be developed that is both international in structure but also fit or purpose within context.
Practical examples and case studies will be employed during this interactive and dynamic session.
Participants:All faculties
活動時間 : 103年12月2日 (二)下午三點至五點
3-5 pm, December 2nd, 2014
活動地點 : 行政大樓3樓 國際會議廳
A313 International Conferencing Room
聯 絡 人 : 英國語文系助理 許乃云
活動使用語言 : English
活動時數 : 2小時